The program can reimburse some of the travel expenses by the participating students – if the trip is related to your work done in this program.
Examples of eligible travel: to attend – preferably presenting your results! – a conference, or to participate in summer or winter schools or industrial mathematics concentration weeks, or to travel to your internship site, if not on campus. For situations that do not fit the above criteria, please contact program PIs if you believe you have a strong case for funding.
Eligibility requirements. You must be a current graduate student in good standing in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; you must be a permanent resident or U.S. citizen.
Application procedure. Fill in the travel funding application form. Please apply as early as possible before the dates of travel.
After funding is approved. Please check with the Business Office if you have questions about charging directly through the Business Office for transportation and conference registration, or to ask about claiming for accommodation and other expenses. (It is always a good idea to check with the experts: the reimbursement rules are a complicated maze of regulations, and if you do not follow them, we might be unable to reimburse you!) After the trip, complete the reimbursement form promptly, and bring it to Marci Blocher at the Mathematics Graduate Office.
Acknowledgment. Any paper, report, dissertation, poster, or conference presentation that is supported in part by the PI4 grant (including PI4 travel funding) must acknowledge the support as follows:
The author acknowledges support from National Science Foundation grant DMS 1345032 “MCTP: PI4: Program for Interdisciplinary and Industrial Internships at Illinois.”