Eleven students did internships over Summer 2019 arranged by the PI4 program (some paid from the PI4 grant, some by an IMA grant, and some paid by the host). A group of eight students worked in the “Prepare and Train” group run by Professor Sara Clifton.

Linear Algebra Working Group

A short intensive course led by Elliot Kaplan.

Students: Eion Blanchard, Fulton Jackson, Ran Ji, Hanna Kim, Joseph Malionek, Vincent Villalobos, Nicole Yamzon

Scientific Internships

  1. Eion Blanchard (mentored by Dr. Brian La Cour, Applied Research Laboratories at The University of Texas)
  2. Catherine Chen (mentored by Dr. Brenda Wilson, Dept. of Microbiology)
  3. Shufan Mao (mentored by Dr. Jon Willits, Dept. of Psychology)
  4. Tsutomu Okano (mentored by Dr. Richard Sowers, Dept. of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering)

Industrial Internships

  1. Nicholas Connolly and Ankush Hore (mentored by Guilerme Maia, Ameren Innovation Center)
  2. Ran Ji (Wolfram Research)
  3. Xujun Liu, Shinhae Park, Elisa Negrini and Jinhua Xu (mentored by Douglas Scrimager, AbbVie Innovation Center)

Additional Mathematics graduate student do internships each summer, hosted locally and nationwide. See the full list here (through 2018). The PI4 grant has played a key role in catalyzing these internships.

Prepare and Train group

Our P&T group on “Sociophysics: Bias and homophily in professional hierarchies, and Models of social group competition” was mentored by Professor Sara Clifton.

Students were:

Fulton Jackson, Hanna Kim, Joseph Malionek, Gidon Orelowitz, Vincent Villalobos, Nicole Yamzon, Dara Zirlin