PI4 is an NSF-funded award from the Division of Mathematical Sciences, in the Mentoring Through Critical Transition Points program; award 1345032.

Update (January 2020)

The NSF has approved a 1-year extension, which means we can offer the Computational Bootcamp and fund some internships in summer 2020.


The Program for Interdisciplinary and Industrial Internships at Illinois is a multi-year graduate training program designed to bring Mathematics students at the University of Illinois through three critical transition points: the transition from undergraduate to graduate studies; the transition from working on “canned” problems to tackling open-ended problems and formulating the problems themselves; the transition from pure “problem solving” to doing research on a real-world mathematical, scientific or engineering challenge.

The program consists of summer mini-courses; graduate level research seminars; group problem sessions; mini-workshops; networking events that include other scientific departments, government research laboratories, and local technology industry partners; and internships in industry or in academic research laboratories.

The Department of Mathematics will partner in this activity with the University of Illinois Institute of Genomic Biology, School of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Coordinated Sciences Laboratory, Beckman Institute, the AXIS Research Center, Sandia National Laboratories, and Wolfram Research, among others.

Materials for download

Computational Bootcamp 2019 (9 days on Python, R and data science)
Computational Bootcamp 2018 – Part 1 (6 days on data science)
Computational Bootcamp 2018 – Part 2 (3 days on Mathematica fundamentals)
Computational Bootcamp 2017 (10 days, focus on data science)
Computational Bootcamp 2016 (10 days, focus on scientific computing)

Linear Algebra Workshop 2019 (3 days)