The main Course web page is here.
David LeBauer, Carl R Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois
Neal Davis, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois
Teaching Assistant:
Stefan Klajbor, Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois
239 Altgeld Hall
A two week course designed to introduce Math graduate students with little or no programming experience to methods in data analysis and computation. The goal is to prepare students to apply their understanding of math to solve problems in industry.
Courses from previous years – 2016, 2015, 2014 – focused on numerical analysis. This year the focus is shifting to the use and analysis of large and complex data.
Although the course is aimed at students with limited experience using software, you are expected to complete two introductory courses in order to become familiar with the basic syntax and operations in R and Python. Two free courses from DataCamp are Required*; completion certificates must be mailed to the instructors by midnight May 25. Each of these courses should take just a few hours to complete:
*Students who have significant experience with R and / or Python may elect to substitute a more advanced course.
Dates: May 26 — June 9, 2017
- May 26: Computing Basics
- May 30-June 2: Data and Statistics in R
- June 5-June 8: Data and Machine Learning with Python
- June 9: Conclusion and Project Presentations